Thursday, August 1, 2013

Finally a picnic


So this weekend was b-e-a-u-tiful: blue skies, high 70s and no travel plans, so Greg and I finally got our first summer picnic in (dreams do come true!). To some this may sound like your average summer activity but on the contrary, for us (for me really) a picnic is quite the momentous occasion. Throughout our almost two years together, we have yet to have a picnic but not due to lack of effort. Historically, the more than a handful of attempts have all been spoiled in some way through rain, nightfall, cold or change of plans so it has just been understood that any attempt will most likely turn sour. Needless to say, expectations for this day remained rather low as you can imagine.

But sour attempts no more! We had a picnic (and I promise it was more than the blueberries pictured!) and it was just as wonderful as I had anticipated. The little park we found haphazardly while taking a driving detour one day turned out to be a great find. Tons of green grass, historic building ruins, hiking paths and a winding garden all made for exactly what the afternoon called for. A picnic. *sigh* I love picnics.

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