Apartment living. I think everyone should have to live in an apartment for a short amount of time to experience the beauties and trials that make up the rental space experience. A two bedroom, two bath rental apartment is where I currently nest. Architecturally speaking, the only thing that sticks out are its sturdy brick outside wall, an '80s-esque, brown fake wood bathroom cabinet and manila-colored kitchen appliances. No hard wood floors, no 1940s era built-ins and really nothing any Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired architect would claim as their own. It is a tan-carpeted, white-walled cookie cutter space. And though seemingly bland, it is where I live. 

But I don't think that you have to wait to be in a house of your own to make a space where you live feel like a place you call home. Through focusing on the small accents and eye-catching pieces, a formerly vanilla room can be transformed into something that is livable and lovable. You don't need cutting edge hardware to nest. Just some time and some personal style. So that is what I am trying to do in my own apartment living situation. To take it from cookie cutter to cutting edge... errr, well, maybe not "cutting edge" per say, but a space that reflects personality and hospitality. A place where people feel comfortable and welcome. A home.

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