Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Walk in the Woods

Since this weekend the weather felt like spring and warmed up, we ventured outdoors and spent most of Saturday at Fort Harrison walking the trails. Before making our way to the woods, we stopped by the war museum on the campus. Filled with memorabilia from all the major wars, not only do you get a glimpse into what life was like, but at the museum your eyes are opened to the sacrifices made by our soldiers.

Across from the museum was the horse barn, where park attendees are able to take trail rides through the woods. Just watching the horses graze in the field was good enough for me, and I couldn't stop giggling at how adorable this lil guy was! As you can tell, we made fast friends with him.

The rest of the day was just spent walking the trail, watching the wild life and soaking in the outdoors. So peaceful and refreshing. Looking forward to heading back when the trees are green and flowers are in bloom.

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