Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Of boating and bacheloretting

A few weekends ago, I ventured up to Chicago for a bachelorette party with some friends from school, and my how refreshing spending a weekend with best friends is! It has been too long since all of us have been together. Very few things make my heart smile more than quality time spent with old friends. Loved every moment. The reason we were reunited was to celebrate Mary K. and her future marriage (can I get a whoop, whoop?) through a bachelorette weekend filled with ridiculous laughter, meaningful talks, yummy food and lovely gifts.

The main event was the architectural boat tour on the river. So. Much. Fun. Did you know there is a building that is built to look like a champagne bottle? It's true. Unfortunately I wasn't able to snap a pic, but it was one of the faves. The tour ended with a cruise around Lake Michigan, so we had an obligation to take advantage of the skyline with lots of photo ops! Can't wait to celebrate her marriage in a couple weeks!

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